About Us

We didn’t find it for us,so we created it for you

That’s essentially our story in one sentence.
Crammed up hostels or cooped up PGs – not much of a choice, is it? That’s why we created Sai Poojitha and Manish Grand Co. Living – a place designed by people who’ve been in your shoes. Understand you. And are inspired by you.

You needed a place like home, so we moved back home

Sai Poojita PG and Mansish Grand Co.Living

A place that feels like ‘home’ as soon as you enter it. A place where we steal away your chores and replace them with care. A place where you’ll have technology in your pocket and your tribe by your side. A place that’s all about you. And that is no wishful thinking, but our unwavering PACT with you.

We Help You Stay Comfortably

Quality Matters

The cushioning of the bed’s mattress to the colour of the walls in the hallway and the availability of charging points at an arm’s length – every nook and corner of a Sai Poojitha PG and Manish Grand Co. Living residence has been designed to reflect you and your current life stage.

Comfortable Mattress

The cushioning of the bed's mattress to the colour of the walls in the hallway and the availability of charging points at an arm's length - every nook and corner of a Sai Poojitha and Manish Grand Co. Living residence has been designed to reflect you and your current life stage.

Feel at home

A place that feels like 'home' as soon as you enter it. A place where we steal away your chores and replace them with care. A place where you'll have technology in your pocket and your tribe by your side. A place that's all about you. And that is no wishful thinking, but our unwavering PACT with you.


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